Oh Hi <3! Today, I’ve rounded up my favorite, must have pieces by Kindred Bravely for the pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum mamas out there!

I am a brand ambassador for Kindred Bravely so I may receive a commission for purchased items. Anytime there is not a sale you can try my promo code Rachael015 for 15% Off!

Each of these pieces have a reason to be in my closet as they do for you mama! Pregnancy and postpartum time can be such a change for you in your body and so why not wear clothes that make you feel the most comfortable? My favorite thing about Kindred Bravely is that the fabric is such high quality.

Often times when we are shopping for clothes we look at price first which is very important indeed but – after getting my first product from Kindred Bravely (not as an ambassador) I realized how happy I felt putting them on. My first product were the joggers and let me tell you – they are BUTTER. I wear them all.the.time. So, if you are like me and care about the quality of the product then Kindred Bravely is for you!

The underwear is a 100% must for you if you don’t want to worry about pregnancy belly because I definitely thought it was annoying that my underwear kept falling down so when I got these I couldn’t believe I didn’t have them for my first pregnancy!

There are two products with high compression which is the tank and socks. If you are in the market for feeling snug or needing help with your legs or ankles swelling up from pregnancy then the tank and socks are for you!

Lastly, I’ll point out the delivery gown! I wore this during my time in the hospital with my daughter and I cannot tell you how many compliments I got on it! This gown truly made me feel so good after feeling so drained from delivering! After such an experience you really need something to lift you up and this gown did it for me. It is great for epidurals, breastfeeding, and skin to skin time with your newborn! It’s just like the hospital gowns but much prettier 😉


Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Looking for something a little different? Check out this post What You Should Actually Pack In Your Hospital Bag

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