
Welcome all. It’s been a while since I’ve come to y’all and talked about my yoga practice. Luckily, because of the free videos on the Youtube channel, Yoga With Adriene, I have been able to continue my yoga journey. I have completed at least once, if not twice, the ’30 Days of Yoga With Adriene, YWA – Revolution, and YWA – True.

That being said, today I’m excited to provide you with a play by play of my experience with YWA’s most recent 30 day yoga challenge called ‘Dedicate’. One of my most exciting pieces about this journey is that this is going to be my first time participating in a live challenge.

How YWA Helps You

I’m pretty sure I have mentioned this in one of my previous yoga posts but – I will note it again. Since I’ve started my YWA pracitce – I have been trying to join specific communities to be able to connect with other cool pals around the world who are practicing yoga as well.

I requested to join YWA’s Kula community and was accepted into the group. To be honest, I’m not sure if it is a tough group to get into or if they accept everyone and just do this to make you feel super special but – it sure made me feel amazing being accepted into this community. That being said, I will be following along on Facebook and on our Find What Feels Good App with the Kula community.


Happy New Year!

Since today is January 1st and it is 2019 – I’m going to say this… My New Year’s Resolution (or at least one of them) is going to be: Tracking my yoga journey better. I know that isn’t a very specific goal but I want to be able to see my practice grow over time and I’ve realized that I do not track my growth very well. That being said, for this challenge – I will be updating you on a 7 day basis. So, you will get a post from my on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th and bonus: 30th day of this challenge.

I’m excited for 2019 – it’s going to be something special I can feel it. If you are able, please follow my Instagram account @fearlessfleuryogi

Are you ready for it?


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