Howdy My Friends! Welcome back. I’m so glad you came back to find out some updates on My Sensational Yoga Adventure! You have made it to Chapter 2 – aka week 2. I’m starting to think that Adriene and I are becoming best friends because at the point of writing this post I have seen her now for 32 days! Girl – we need to get some coffee or something by now. Yeah I realize she probably isn’t going to read my blog but hey – you remember that one time that she liked my instagram post right? It was this one: See Instagram Post

I’m not going to lie – I was a little star struck there for a brief moment in time. But I got passed it and refocused that hey – she’s a human being not an actual unicorn. [or is she] Oh yes. She is a Yogicorn!! That’s awesome. #Yogicorn Let us get it trending everyone.

Moving on to other important topics. Yoga. We (you, myself and adriene) are currently on a Yoga Vacation – Do you remember? We are on Day 6 of our vacation to finding my true self. At least the truest self I can find by the end of this 30 day adventure!

If you are finding yourself confused about what I mean by vacation or you are asking yourself ‘what was chapter 1 about’ then look no further. I can be the yogi-support you need by providing you the link! Here ya go: Chapter 1 In that post you will also find other links to posts as to why I’ve chosen to begin a Yoga practice.

That being said let us get back to the reason you are here – I can hear you shouting now “Rachael – How was yoga last week? I’m craving to hear all about how you and the earth are becoming closer than ever!” Okay, so maybe you said something slightly different but I swear it was similar. [next up – set up an appointment for my ears. Got it]

Day 6 thru Day 12

Pre-Yoga Practice Continuation & Updates

  • I don’t necessarily use music anymore because I’ve noticed that I actually find it so much more relaxing to have silence. I realize to the average reader you might say – of course it is a distraction. It is indeed a more obvious note however, I’d like to say that music has a way of calming me however – I have found that in this situation silence is what I need.
    • Accepting silence has actually been a difficult thing or me to achieve because often times it makes me feel very uncomfortable but as I go through this practice I’m finding that the silence helps me with my breathing.
  • I don’t wear sweatpants anymore
  • I still open my sliding door to hear the birds
  • My new mat and blocks haven’t arrived yet. But if you need a reminder of which ones I purchased here ya go: this Yoga Mat and these Yoga Blocks
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2

Overall Week 2 [And Week 1] Yoga Impressions

My favorite part about the 30 days is you really start to feel like you’ve created a rhythm so to speak which is nice because you know what to expect for your day and you have something to look forward to. I haven’t had a chance to speak to you about my journey to eating healthy yet. I started in July and soon you will see a post on how it is going because part of that is also effecting my yoga adventure. I’ll keep you on your toes with that one. 😉

These past twelve days hasn’t necessarily been hard or easy for me rather it has been enlightening. Here are some things that I have come across this week:

  • I want more. The videos are absolutely perfect for someone who needs to get to work, school or whose kids just woke up wanting breakfast. I so happen to be the one who has to get to work. Don’t get me wrong, I love that I can wake up a get a quick Yoga practice in but – when it is over, I crave more.
    • My trouble is: Do I desire more than necessary? Is doing more (or longer) going to hurt me more than help me? Feel free to make some comments below on your thoughts.
  • I’m getting better at the poses (naturally) which is inspiring me to ‘want more’. See how that works?
  • I’ve accepted the fact that my inner balance is absolutely terrible
    • I’ve been in gynastics, cheerleading, and dance and never have I felt so terrible about my balance! Shame.
  • Adriene likes to sneak in abs every so often in her routines and I love it!
    • Day 6 – Six pack abs (Yea, Ok Adriene – I’ll let you know when I locate mine)

Lastly, I’ve come across some back pain. At one point I remember Adriene making the statement that when we started her yoga practice her back pain went away. You might say, ‘Rachael, what are you doing wrong.’ Ah, yes. Great question. Here’s a quick background:

I used to have a full-time career in all things retail & events. In this industry you are constantly lifting objects, walking around, and standing. There is a very rare moment when you sit down (or rather what sat down). Recently, I started a full-time job at a corporate office where it is the complete opposite. I very rarely stand or lift anything. I’m getting really friendly with my [uncomfortable] office chair.

My husband seems to think that my back is reacting to the work-life change. However, I have another theory that it is a combination with that of my work-life change and also that perhaps I am not doing the pose’s correctly. Now, you might be noticing some lack of confidence in my ability to know right from wrong with these poses but it is because there is a huge learning curve here [in my opinion].

As you will see, I have taken images of almost all of the poses I’ve learned up to this point and will be posting them on these posts to shed light on the community for feedback on pose suggestions and feedback. Yes. That’s right – Go make those comments below!

Chapter 2 Difficulties

Here is a great one you will love. The full-body stretch. So, in the videos, we would be in a very simple pose or stance and she would talk about how you need to make sure you are focusing on the full-body. Lord is that difficult. You aren’t laughing are you? Because I find this so hard perhaps it should be easy?

I am obviously too distracted. #GetItTogether

I don’t know about you, but any time I close my eyes they start to shake, my mind drifts, I get stressed out that we are in the pose too long, and my balance is that.much.worse. Remember when I said I had terrible balance? Well – it’s worse when I close my eyes. I have a feeling that is because I’m not fully committed (shockingly enough) So, I’m working on that.  Here are some poses I found difficult in Week 2:

Garland Pose
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2

Well. First off, I look ridiculous. Which is fantastic because when I master this pose the before and after is going to be some really awesome results. I mean, if we take a moment to analyze this photo. You can see how my heels are not down and I’m pretty positive my back posture is supposed to be up and down verses leaning forward. Anyone want to shed light?

Tree Pose
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2

Alright my friends, I’ve been looking forward to this pose ever since I started the yoga practice and to find out how hard it was was really saddening. I know, it wouldn’t be as fun if there weren’t some challenging moments along the way but a yogi can dream. For obvious reasons this pose was easier when I was standing on my right leg than when i was standing on my left leg.

The amazing thing about Adriene’s videos is that she provides variation for everyone at a different level. I should have been putting my big toe on the ground but I was being an overachiever in this photo when really in practice I was throwing out some major struggle.

Warrior 3
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2

If you know anything about yoga you will know that this pose is wrong. I did this on purpose and also because I couldn’t accurately complete this pose. This my Yogis was the moment in which i realized my balance was absolutely terrible. Sure, you might tell me that Warrior 3 is hard for everyone and I hope you say that because it will make me feel a lot better.

If I wanted to hit the pose really quick for the picture I probably could have done it but to maintain the position for longer than one camera flash was not going to happen. I cannot wait for the moment I can tell you (and show you) that I’ve mastered this yoga pose. #stickwithme

The Not So Difficulties

Ahh. Yes. You’ve made it to the fun part of the post. The section I get to brag about how I’m doing a particular pose well or at least one that I don’t consistently fall out of. Let me be clear though, I may or may not laugh at myself [at 5:00am mind you] every.single.time I fall out of the pose. #killinITrach

So, here we go:

Warrior 2
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2

So, I have a love/hate relationship with this pose because I actually so find it kind of difficult however, I mostly find it rewarding. If Adriene does not throw one of these into the video I sometimes get a little sad because this pose actually makes me feel like I am working out. Lord I hope I’m not doing it wrong and that’s why I feel pain.

Every time we get into this position I try to go a little bit deeper into it and do a couple of bounces because she tells you to never stay in pain. She wants you to breath through it. So I may or may not take several breaths at this point breathing through the pain in my legs. all the pain in my legs. I AM A WARRIOR. 

Thread The Needle Pose
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2

I just realized this pose was called thread the needle. I love this name mostly because I sew and knit and it is just a cool nod to a hobby I have. Cool! Anyway, The first time I did this post I felt extremely awkward. My husband was actually doing this practice with me and I guess I felt really weird with how awkwardly shaped you are. Though, let me tell you, with having some recently back pain pop up – this pose is amazing.

I’m always so excited for Adriene to bust out something that caters to a situation that you are dealing with in every day life. For instance, She just came out with a new video that I’m dying to try: Yoga For Text Neck. This is amazing and perfect for everyone living in 2018. Yes, that means it is perfect for everyone. I cannot wait to try it!

Mountain Pose With Prayer Hands

My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: Chapter 2

Last but, certainly not least the Mountain Pose With Prayer Hands. I am absolutely obsessed with the simplicity but strength of this pose. You may not notice it by just looking at the picture but it truly can bring you to such a calm center. You push up off the earth from your pinky toe to your big toe all the way up to your knee caps and thighs. It is a pose that can set and end your practice.

In this pose I really feel like I’m bringing all of my warm, happy thoughts towards my inner self and capturing them to carry with me throughout my day. I feel strong and feel like I am in complete control. It is honestly one of the best feelings. Can I say – I feel like I’m on top of the mountain. Hmm.. Maybe I shouldn’t. 😉

Overall Findings From Chapter 2

  • I’ve stopped using any sort of music during my practice because I’ve begun to appreciate the silence.
  • I don’t have any idea how I’m ever going to get to to any handstand poses because my balance is outrageously bad.
  • If you do the full-body stretch then you not only get the stretch that you are feeling but you get a sensation that runs throughout your entire body forcing you to get a stretch and an experience.
  • I’ve lost 10 pounds since I’ve started yoga & eating healthy. score!
  • The consistent progress has inspired me to constantly want more.

Honestly, I’m loving the route that my practice is headed. I know that I have so much more to go but that just provides so much more determination than I really expected when I began this journey. Every day is a new day with these videos which can really make waking up to do yoga exciting because you don’t know what knew pose you are going to learn. You might not even learn a new pose but maybe a new part about yourself that you didn’t know about.

I continue to hope that you follow along with me. This 30 Day vacation is only half way in so you don’t know what sites you’ll miss if you walk away now! So, #stickwithme My friend.

Until next week,

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