First off, I’d like to just mention that my husband, Zach, and I have been trying casually for a wee little one for a little over a year. This past January/February of 2020 we found out that we were, with child (as I like to say)! We got our first positive test on January 26th. And here is how our first pregnancy went..

We were so stoked we really couldn’t hold it in and by ‘we’ I mean me. So, I convinced my dear husband that I needed to tell our parents about the pregnancy ASAP. For the first pre-natal appointment on February 28th, we would need to make sure to have medical information.

1st Appointment

I’ll go into their reaction in a different post but I’d like to jump to February 21st, our first prenatal appointment ever. Pregnancy has never really scared me but, naturally – neither of us knew what to expect. We went in super nervous and excited at the same time.

After our ultrasound – the doctor told us that it may be too early to see anything and to come back in a week. She also told us that there was an 80 percent chance that everything was going to be okay. I didn’t think anything of it then but looking back now, I see why she said that.

What Happened Next

We found out during that next appointment on February 28th (officially 9 weeks) that we had a missed miscarriage at 6 weeks. We were both absolutely devastated and honestly couldn’t believe what we were hearing. A missed miscarriage is a miscarriage that is only seen with an ultrasound because you don’t normally have symptoms.

I don’t wish this upon even my greatest enemy because it truly takes a tole on your mental and emotional state of mind. Unfortunately, I had to be prescribed a pill method to induce the process.

So, let’s just say I’m grateful for weekends and an endless supply of puzzles. Luckily, our friends & family have been a tremendous support to Zach n’ I and we were so thankful to have had them during such a difficult time.

2nd Appointment

I want to say Thank You SO MUCH for taking time out of your day to read this post. Apologies that it wasn’t the most cheerful one but it is part of my journey to motherhood so I felt like sharing.

I also want to say that if you have gone through something like this and want to chat – feel free to reach out to me whenever. I’m always open to talk and help you through it the way my support system helped me.

You can find our 1st Trimester Pregnancy Recap here –>

As well as our Announcement to Our Parents here –>

Take care and be safe my friends,



  1. […] considered a Rainbow Baby; a healthy baby born after a miscarriage (you can read that here –> Our First Pregnancy). I want to shed light on my experience to possibly help others or at the very least get my memory […]

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