My First Practice

Okay so, this is where is gets different. I spoke a lot about doing yoga with my husband but I never really dove in and started. However, one day [specifically July 11th] I thought, ‘Hey, I have the day off. I’m going to rip off the band aid of being a yoga beginner’. I pulled up YouTube and did some research on good video yoga teachers and came across Yoga With Adriene. This is my beginner journey to the yogi-life and the beginning of my first chapter!

Go ahead and take a moment to check out her YouTube channel –> Here

My Sensational Yoga Adventure: The First For Chapters
My Sensational Yoga Adventure: The First For Chapters

Couple of things:

  • Adriene is amazing and she is so helpful when it comes to not knowing what you are doing as a beginner.
  • I do have a mat but you don’t need one. However, feel free to check out this Mat
  • I started with the video for Complete Beginners

The reason I chose to do an at home video practice is because I am well, lazy so to speak. When I come home from work I don’t want to go out somewhere to work out when its been a really long day. The other reason is that I do not want to pay for a class that I can essentially do at home.

When I found Adriene’s YouTube, I was super stoked about my new journey because she is really funny and her videos are so accommodating to people who are at different skill levels. The other nice aspect is that she posts videos on all types of ways yoga can help you. She even has Yoga for Zombies. [yes, that’s right Here]

I’m excited for this adventure that I’m taking you on. I hope you will stick with me.

Until then,

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